Sigrid de Castella is one of Australia’s most accomplished business process specialists, known for achieving great results and getting stuff done … fast. She’s an entrepreneur, successful businesswoman, multi-published author, business strategist, international speaker, digital marketing specialist, stock market trader, international property investor and developer, award-winning photographer, qualified nutritionist, certified hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner, holds a BBA in Management …. and she is The Process Optimiser.

Sigrid’s career has spanned the breadth and widths of commerce: from small business to some of the world’s largest global corporations; from For-Profit to Not-For-Profits; working across multiple industries including Manufacturing, IT Outsourcing, Utilities, Allied-Medical, and Consumer Goods and Retail; developing online and offline strategies and B2B and B2C relationships. Yes, Sigrid’s bow is long and wide.

​But what Sigrid really specialises in is making things work better, faster and leaner. Taking a process or system, identifying its imperfections, and then working her magic to smooth the path to peak performance and greater profits.

Some of her results include:

  • Improving sales by 667% over 8 years by re-engineering end-to-end processes for better efficiencies and less reeork
  • Automating a manufacturing plant to more than double its capacity, reskilling manual labour so no jobs were lost
  • Re-engineering two multi-million business processes resulting in a more streamlined approach, audit compliance & recovery of significant unbilled revenue, including $600K of ‘lost’ revenue
  • Developing & implementing an improved electronic digital messaging (EDM) strategy, resulting in end-user experience improving >50% & engagement levels rising to 47.3%
  • Improving a Service Level Agreement by 53% by implementing more streamlined processes that reduced turnaround from 20+ days to less than 10
  • Developing improved ways for clients to meet financial management & legislative requirements, and legally reducing their tax bills by up to 93%
A perpetual generator of ‘great ideas’, Sigrid has launched numerous digital ventures and helped businesses, both large and small, maximise their potential and achieve peak performance and profit. So what can Sigrid do for you?